
Hello fellow law students,

I am a third year law student at Southwestern Law School, and I am excited and honored to serve as the 2010-2011 Law Student Division Liaison to the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law. In my role as Student Liaison, I attend and participate in ABA-IPL events and meetings, representing the interests of the 9,000+ ABA-IPL law student members, and report back on issues that are important to us.

ABA-IPL seeks to engage law students and enrich their careers by offering a broad spectrum of events programming, membership benefits, and publications. There are dozens of ways to get involved as a student, and I encourage you to seek out the opportunities available to you. One of the easiest ways to get involved immediately is to join a committee in your area of legal interest. Just click on the “Committees” button on the left side of the screen, then choose your Division of interest, and select the committee that most interests you. Also, make sure to join our LinkedIn and Facebook groups to stay current on ABA-IPL news.

This blog is to introduce you to the Section, and to keep you updated on all the exciting events and programs that the Section has to offer. Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hot Topics in IP

Read this post on American University's Intellectual Property Briefs Blog. It was written by Griffin Barnett, one of ABA-IPL's law student reporters who covered the recent 26th Annual Spring IP Conference.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pictorial: ABA-IPL's 26th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference

Program and Conference Information Available by QR Code!

ABA-IPL Tote Bag given to all registrants
CLE Panel

Section luncheon with Chief Judge Rader of the Federal Circuit

Delicious table favors from the Women's Networking Dinner

On the bus to the Dolley Madison House

Walking to the Dolley Madison House

Chief Judge Rader telling the crowd about the history of the Dolley Madison House

Late nights in the hospitality suite

Come prepared to play poker each night at the hospitality suite

Section Council Meeting

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Student Reporters

The above photo is of the 11 law student reporters, plus myself and Amanda Streff, fellow law student and board member of the Young Lawyer/Law Student Board. It was taken last week at the 26th Annual Spring Conference of the American Bar Association, Intellectual Property Law Section.

I created the law student reporters program in my capacity as the Law Student Liaison to the Intellectual Property Law Section and as a Board Member to the Section’s Membership Board. Student reporters received complimentary registration to the 26th Annual Spring Conference in Arlington, Virginia in exchange for their services as social media reporters. Students were asked to tweet about the CLE programs and other events they attended using the Conference’s official “#iplspring” hashtag.

The student reporters wrote over 600 tweets during the three and a half day conference, generating buzz and excitement among the attorney attendees, many of whom joined Twitter to add their own tweets about the Conference. Most importantly, the law students got the opportunity to learn and experience what the ABA Intellectual Property Law (ABA-IPL) Section is all about by interacting with its leaders, members and staff.

Pictured in the photo are: (R to L with links to their Twitter accounts) Vivek Nittala, Krystle Thompson, Olivia Ruiz-Joffre, Eric Jeide, Elizabeth Wilson, Griffin Barnett, Wendy Zimbone, Jennifer Nguyen, Eric Perrott, Amanda Streff, Keith Syverson, Seth Dennis, Micah Ascano.

Ethical Issues in IP Litigation

Check out this blog post written by Seth Dennis, one of ABA-IPL's law student reporters who covered the recent 26th Annual Spring IP Conference. Posted on American University's Intellectual Property Briefs Blog.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Student Reporters -- Follow for Updates from the ABA-IPL's 26th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference

If you can't join us in Crystal City this week, then follow our Twitter list of Student Reporters who will be live-tweeting about every CLE panel and every event you wish you could be at.
